
最后更新时间: 2022-04-29 20:45:35




1. “民生在勤,勤则不匮”。我相信中国人民会用自己勤劳的双手,来逐步迈向共同富裕。

张璐译文:A good life hinges on diligence. With diligence, one does not have to fear about shortages. I believe with the hard work of our people, we will be able to gradually achieve common prosperity.

2. 机会公平当中,教育公平是最大的公平。

张璐译文:Educational fairness is most important in ensuring equal access to opportunities.

3. 一时走得快不一定走得稳,只有走得稳才能走得有力。

张璐译文:A growth too fast will not be a steady one. You need a steady pace to sustain China's development for the long run.

4. 就业是民生之本,是发展之基,也是财富创造的源头活水。

张璐译文:Employment is the foundation of people's wellbeing and development. It is also a source of wealth.

5. 所谓树高千尺,营养还在根部。我们把基础打牢了,将来可以触类旁通,行行都可以精彩。

张璐译文:The nutrients for a giant tree come from the root of the tree. Laying a solid foundation in these knowledge and skills will open many doors and help you lead a fulfilling life.

6. 很重要的是要让科研人员有经费使用的自主权,不能把科研人员宝贵的精力花在填表、评比等事务上,还是要让他们心无旁骛去搞研究,厚积才能薄发。

张璐译文:Scientists and researchers will be granted greater autonomy in deciding how the funds will be used. These people should not have to spend their valuable time and energy on doing paper work or competing for awards. They should be able to stay fully concentrated on doing research. And they will be able to accomplish something big when they gradually build up progress step by step.

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